A Sincere Invitation to Life

Come home to who you truly are and meet who you are becoming.

exhale, dear one, here, you can rest.

Welcome, I am Rosslyn.


I inquire, I coach, I write, and
I'm here to walk you home.

"Rosslyn has a remarkable talent for creating a compassionate space where you can freely delve into your hopes, joys, fears, and more…”

From lost to found, fragmented to whole…

…come, let’s get you home.


Ways of Partnering with Me

I’ll be your guide, mirror, playmate, and anchor on this journey.

  • Get unstuck, gain clarity and focus, lead an authentic and fulfilling life.

  • Navigate life with more ease, internal alignment, and purpose

  • Reconcile and integrate polarities, relax creative blocks, and flow from Source

  • Develop loving relationships with ourselves and others

  • Develop mind-body connection and heal from adverse childhood experiences that have brought about constrictions and restraints in your lives.

  • Cultivate Presence and live in your Wholeness

Living into Possibility is a Movement toward Presence and Wholeness.

My approach is one of gentle and natural unfoldment—being with your experience, meeting yourself in whatever’s emerging and ready to emerge, each moment, exploring more, feeling your edge, and stretching a little more.

Live Your Possibility — 1:1 Coaching and Inquiry

Journey with me for 6 months to a year, and beyond.

No more hiding or withholding your gifts. No more playing small. Live the life that's meant for you.

I will support you in transforming your relationship with yourself and the world, so that you can speak and act from your place of integrity, and lead an authentic and fulfilling life. This is an invitation to becoming the author of your life, expanding on your own terms.

Alternative options include a Taster-package of 3 sessions and Ad-hoc single sessions for existing clients.

Ready to expand and meet your becoming?


Uncover your significance and be in AWE of you

Do you feel displaced in this world, wondering what’s the point in it all? Let my book of poetry accompany you on your journey of self-discovery and homecoming.

“Calming, powerful, keeps you in the now. There is something there each person who reads her words can relate to.” — Michelle C. Holland, Houston TX

“The Dandelion Notes”

Field notes on my process and learnings through my human journey.