Dive into the Ocean of your Being
Starting from here, your location in the now,
let's journey together to uncover the mystery of you.
Inquiry is dear to me. It supported my own development, and now, I bring this gift to you to support your healing and development.
What is Inquiry?
Inquiry is an ongoing discovery — an invitation to get in touch with your inner guidance and fulfil your potential in your unique way and timing. In an inquiry, we work to explore your immediate experience, allowing the moment and you to unfold.
Through Inquiry, we will explore your present experience:
• What’s freshly arising?
• Who’s the one experiencing it?
What clues will your body, mind, and consciousness afford us? And what will these clues inform us about who you are and your potential?
Inquiry is a form of inner work. The focus is on developing self-awareness and gaining insight into one's own inner world, with the ultimate aim of living a more fulfilling and authentic life. With my experience with various inquiry methods*, I will guide you in the exploration to uncover your truth.
*Compassionate Inquiry ®, Somatic Inquiry, and Writing Inquiry.
What is an Inquiry session like?
We will begin with a few minutes of grounding to support our arrival into our shared sacred space. You are encouraged to bring in an intention or question or what’s alive in the moment for you. I will then invite you to tune into your felt sense or physical experience (sensations or emotions) to gain deeper insight into your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, and facilitate your process from there.
We may contact Essence, your Presence. We may uncover the how and why you developed certain coping strategies that brought about your personality.
The possibilities are infinite since we are diving into the mystery to recover your Essence and uncover what’s unknown.
What’s needed?
Openness and curiosity of the unknown.
Commitment to the Work. — Inquiry is most effective when it occurs on a regular basis whether bi-weekly or monthly. It is a commitment to and an investment in yourself.
How does regular inquiry practice help you?
Self-knowledge—uncover unconscious dynamics that run your life so you can liberate yourself from them.
Greater trust in the deeper intelligence within us, allowing it to guide us toward our flourishing.
Greater ease and flow in life.
Live from internal alignment.
A more resilient nervous system.
Fees - Sliding Scale
Why Sliding Scale?
I've benefitted from others who offered flexibility through this equity model when I was studying and starting out, hence I am offering this sliding scale to support those in need and cultivate trust in those who can give.
I invite you to make a financial contribution that is aligned with the integrity of your financial means.
If you are financially abundant and happy to give, please consider paying it forward to support others.
$205 per session.
If you are financially stable and able to enjoy coffee or travel occassionally, please consider paying this amount.
$165 per session.
Option With SUPPORT
If you need financial support, you are welcome to consider this option until you gain financial stability.
$125 per session.